
Code Zero Visual Trading for TradingView

What is the optimal TradingView tariff for working with CDZV Toolkit?

To get the best experience with CDZV and unlock the full potential of the platform, we recommend a subscription to the TradingView Premium plan. Here's why:

  1. Increased number of indicators: The TradingView Premium plan allows you to use more TradingView indicators on your chart. This gives you the freedom to create complex and diverse trading strategies without limitations.

  2. Access to all CDZV features: With a TradingView Premium subscription, you will be able to take full advantage of all CDZV features, including our pre-built strategies. Most features and indicators may not be available on lower plans.

  3. Enhanced analysis capabilities: The TradingView Premium plan gives you access to a greater depth of historical data.

On lower plans, CDZV's performance will be limited and sophisticated strategies will not be available to you.

How can I get my money back?

We understand your concern, but unfortunately we do not offer refunds for our service.

Our team works hard to provide exceptional value to every customer, regardless of experience level. We offer powerful tools for professionals and simplified solutions for beginners, as well as comprehensive documentation, video tutorials, and webinars to help you get the most out of our platform.

We are confident that any client who actively uses our service for a month will receive tangible benefits and results. That's why we don't offer a free trial period or refunds - we believe in the value our product provides.

If you have any problems with our service or are not satisfied with its performance, we will be happy to help you resolve any issues. Our support team is ready to provide you with the necessary assistance and guidance so that you can make the most of our platform.

An error "Indicator or strategy error. Access to this indicator is restricted. Request access from the script author". What happened?

If you see this error message when using CDZV on a TradingView chart, it means one of two things:

  1. You do not have an active subscription to the CDZV toolkit: You need a valid subscription to access all CDZV features and modules. If your subscription has expired or you have not yet subscribed, please go to our pricing page and select the appropriate subscription plan. Once your subscription is activated, you will be able to fully utilize CDZV.

  2. Your current subscription level does not include the required CDZV modules: Some advanced CDZV modules and features are only available at certain subscription levels. If you try to use a strategy that requires a module not included in your subscription, you will receive this error. To resolve the issue, go to the pricing page and review the available subscription plans. Upgrade your subscription to one that includes the required modules.

If you are sure you have an active subscription with access to all required modules but are still receiving this error, please contact our support team. We will be happy to help you resolve the issue.

An error "Indicator or strategy error" occurs on the chart. What happened?

TradingView has built-in protection against the use of cyclic indicator references. This means that you cannot use the same indicator in different CDZV modules, which then cross reference each other directly or through other modules.

Example problem:

Suppose you are using the RSI indicator in two different CONDITION MANAGER Indicator modules (CM1 and CM2). Then you try to use both of these modules (CM1 and CM2) in one CONDITION MANAGER Strategy (CMS) module. In this case, a cyclic reference error will occur because the RSI indicator is used twice in the same strategy.

Solution 1:

Using built-in indicators If the indicator you want to use is in the CONDITION MANAGER Indicator list of built-in indicators, it is recommended to use it. This will avoid conflict with cyclic links, as built-in indicators are optimized to work with CDZV modules.

Solution 2:

Create indicator copies If you need to use your own indicator that is not in the built-in list, or you need to display an indicator on a chart, create a copy of that indicator with the same parameters. Then use one copy of the indicator in the first module of CONDITION MANAGER Indicator (CM1) and the second copy in the second module of CONDITION MANAGER Indicator (CM2). In this way, you will avoid cyclic references because each module will use its own copy of the indicator.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to effectively use indicators in different CDZV modules without having problems with cyclic references in TradingView. This will allow you to create more complex and flexible trading strategies by combining different modules and indicators.

A runtime error occurs on the chart due to elapsed time (TimeOut). What happened?

TradingView has a built-in time limit for calculating indicators on the chart. This means that when you request data from TradingView servers to display indicators, these requests must be processed and returned within a certain time frame.

Cause of the error:

Most often this error occurs due to internet connection problems or overloading of TradingView servers. If your Internet connection is slow or unstable, requests to TradingView servers may take longer than allowed, causing this error. Or you may need to use VPN services from your country.

Solution 1: Refresh the chart page

In most cases, you can solve the problem by simply refreshing the schedule page one or more times. This reloads the data and re-establishes the connection to TradingView servers. If the error occurs infrequently, refreshing the page can be a quick and effective solution.

Solution 2: Improve your internet connection

If the problem occurs constantly, it is worth checking and improving the quality of your internet connection.

By improving the quality of your internet connection, you will reduce the probability of errors related to slow requests to TradingView servers and will be able to use the indicators on the charts more efficiently. effectively use the indicators on the charts.

If the problem persists even after refreshing the page and improving your internet connection, it may be helpful to contact TradingView Support for further assistance and recommendations on how to resolve this issue in your area.

Can I use your ready-made strategies for myself?

Our author's strategies are primarily educational in nature and are presented so that you can get up to speed with CDZV and start creating your own strategies.

Of course, you can use our ready-made strategies for your own needs, but it's important to do so wisely and with caution. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. Historical performance does not guarantee future results Whether you're using our strategies or strategies developed by the community, remember that they are tested against historical data. However, past performance does not always guarantee the same results in the future. Market conditions can change, and a strategy that has worked well in the past may be less effective in the future.

  2. You take all the risks When using any off-the-shelf strategies, you must realize that you are assuming all the risks involved. It is important to test the strategy thoroughly and adapt it to your trading style and risk appetite. Do not blindly rely on ready-made strategies, but use them as a starting point for your own research and analysis.

  3. Monitor key parameters When using off-the-shelf strategies, it is very important to closely monitor the key parameters of their performance in real trading conditions. Pay attention to such indicators as the number of losing streaks, Profit-Factor and Percent Profitable or WinRate. Analyze these parameters regularly to ensure that the strategy continues to work effectively.

  4. Use pre-made strategies as a starting point Ready-made trading strategies are a great way to start your journey into algorithmic trading and get inspiration to create your own strategies. Use them as a starting point, but don't stop there. Try to understand the basic principles and logic behind each strategy and adapt them to your needs and market conditions.

Remember that successful trading requires constant learning, adapting and improving. Use off-the-shelf strategies judiciously, but always strive to develop your own skills and knowledge in algorithmic trading. Be willing to experiment, test and make adjustments to your strategies based on real market conditions and results.

Does switching between timeframes affect strategy calculations?

Yes, switching between timeframes definitely affects strategy calculations and the signals generated. Each timeframe represents a different perspective of the market, and a strategy optimized for one timeframe may not work as well on another.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. Different timeframes - different strategies: As with manual trading, automated strategies must be customized to the timeframe you choose. A strategy designed for a daily chart may not be suitable for a 5-minute chart, and vice versa.

  2. Automation follows an algorithm: Automated trading is the machine repetition of an algorithm customized for a specific instrument and timeframe. Changing the timeframe without adjusting the strategy parameters accordingly can lead to unforeseen results.

  3. Universal strategies are rare: It is unlikely that you will find a strategy that works equally well on all instruments, timeframes and remains profitable forever. Markets change and strategies require constant optimization and adaptation.

  4. Optimization of parameters is the key to profitability: Regular optimization of strategy parameters to suit current market conditions is an integral part of successful automated trading. CDZV provides convenient tools for quick adaptation of strategies without the need to constantly involve programmers.

Therefore, if you switch between timeframes, be ready to adjust your strategy accordingly. Test it on the new timeframe, optimize the parameters and closely monitor the results. CDZV will help you quickly make the necessary changes and maintain the effectiveness of your automated trading system.

Why do I need to use Webhook to trade on exchanges, I can trade directly with TradingView?

You are right that TradingView allows you to trade manually right from the chart. However, if you want to automate your strategies and trade without being in front of your computer all the time, you will need to use Webhook to connect TradingView to your trading platform or exchange. This is why using Webhook is essential for automated trading:

  1. Automate trade execution: When your strategy in TradingView generates a buy or sell signal, that signal must be transmitted to the exchange for execution. Webhook serves as a bridge that transmits these signals from TradingView to your trading platform, which then opens or closes positions according to your strategy.

  2. Continuous operation: Automated strategies can run 24/7, even when you are sleeping or doing other things. Webhook provides a seamless connection between TradingView and your trading platform, allowing your strategies to execute automatically at any time.

  3. Flexibility and compatibility: Webhook is a versatile solution that allows you to connect TradingView to various trading platforms and exchanges. This gives you the freedom to choose your preferred platform and does not limit you to only those exchanges that are directly integrated with TradingView.

While manual trading directly from the TradingView chart is possible, it does not allow you to fully automate your strategies. Using Webhook is the key to creating a fully automated trading system that can run 24/7 without your constant involvement.

CDZV simplifies the process of setting up and using Webhook, allowing you to quickly integrate your TradingView strategies with your preferred trading platform or exchange. With CDZV and Webhook, you can take your automated trading to a new level of efficiency and convenience.

How much sense does it make to backtest the strategy on deep history or is the last couple months enough?

You raised an important point about choosing the right period for backtesting trading strategies. You are right that the depth of history on which it makes sense to test a strategy depends on several factors, such as timeframe and intended investment horizon. Here are a few key points to consider when determining the appropriate period for backtesting:

  1. Strategy timeframe: For strategies on lower timeframes (e.g., up to 15 minutes), it doesn't make much sense to look farther back than a year or even six months. Market dynamics on shorter timeframes can change significantly over longer periods, and data that is too old may not reflect current market conditions.

  2. Investment Horizon: For strategies on higher timeframes, such as hourly or daily charts, it makes sense to extend the backtesting period to 2-5 years if this is consistent with your intended investment horizon. This gives a better idea of how your strategy might perform in different market conditions.

  3. Mathematical Expectation: Backtesting is a way to estimate your strategy's mathematical expectation, that is, its average expected performance based on historical data. While a longer history can provide additional information, it is not always necessary to get a reliable estimate of a strategy's expected performance.

  4. Platform limitations: TradingView provides 20,000 bars of historical data for backtesting (Premium plan), which in many cases is sufficient for strategy evaluation. Pursuing a deeper history may not provide significant benefits given this data limit.

Ultimately, choosing a backtesting period is a balance between having enough data to reliably evaluate a strategy and ensuring that the data is relevant to current market conditions. Testing over the last few months or years (depending on the timeframe) often provides valuable information without the need for a very long history.

I am using an indicator and it is not visible in the CDZV modules. What should I do?

There are indicators that need to be slightly modernized to work correctly with CDZV. Write us a support ticket and we will try to make this modification for you within the support level of your tariff plan.

I don't know what notification I need to send to YYYYYYYYY.COM. Why doesn't ZZZZZZZ.COM accept alerts? Where to find what notification to use for VVVVVVVVV.COM? RRRRRR.COM service updated something and my notifications stopped working.

Our service is based on TradingView platform notifications and is extended by our additional functionality. This should be sufficient to work with any external service and we understand your desire to customize notifications for various third-party services such as YYYYYY.COM, ZZZZ.COM, VVVVVVVV.COM, RRRR.COM, etc. However, we cannot provide you with specific information about which notifications to use for each of these services, or why some services do not accept notifications.

The reason is that we do not have comprehensive information about all existing intermediary services on the Internet and their specific notification requirements. Each service has its own rules, formats and protocols for accepting notices, which may change over time without our knowledge.

We have no direct control over the operation of third-party services and cannot guarantee that our notifications will always be compatible with them. If a service makes changes to its system or updates its notification requirements, it may cause our notifications to stop working properly.

For accurate information on how to set up notifications for a specific third-party service, we recommend contacting that service's support team directly. They will be able to provide you with up-to-date information about their notification requirements and assist you with any issues with how they work.

We appreciate your understanding and hope that you will be able to successfully set up notifications for the services you need by contacting their support team.

I make a change on the strategy chart and the notifications are sent the old way. What do I do?

Rule: If you change the strategy, update or recreate the notification.

Once the notification is created, all changes on the chart do not change the created notification.

Why backtests and indicator trading works?

Robots are the driving force of the market

In today's world of financial markets, retail investors (individuals) play an insignificant role due to the small volume of their transactions. The main players in the market are robots that make millions of transactions every day.

Big number theory and 50% probability

According to the theory of large numbers, when the number of transactions is large, the results tend to have a 50% probability. This means that if we get 50% profitable trades and 50% losing trades over a long period of time, our goal is to earn as much as we lose in order to stay at breakeven. To be profitable, the earnings from profitable trades must exceed the losses from losing trades. This indicator is called the profit factor.

Two key indicators are used in trading strategies:

  • WinRate - percentage of profitable trades on historical data

  • ProfitFactor - profitability coefficient of deals

Important formula: The lower the WinRate, the higher the ProfitFactor should be

At WinRate above 50%, a ProfitFactor of 1.5 can provide a decent profit. However, at a WinRate of 30% the ProfitFactor should be higher, ideally from 3 (70% of trades are unprofitable, 30% are profitable, but the profit from them is 3 times higher than the losses, giving a total profit of 20%).

The value of testing strategies on historical data

Testing strategies on historical data allows us to increase the mathematical expectation in our favor. If a strategy has been profitable 60% of the time (WinRate) with a profit factor of 2 on a history of 100 trades, we expect similar behavior in the future. This gives us an advantage over a strategy with a WinRate of 30% and a profit factor of 0.7.

There is no grail, the market is constantly changing

There is no magic "dough" button. The market is a zero-sum system (excluding commissions) where the profits of some participants are equal to the losses of others. The losing participants will adapt and change the market so they don't lose. It's a never-ending process that causes strategies to stop working and need to be optimized or replaced.

Robots and indicators

Robots created by traders work according to a certain logic based on popular indicators (moving averages, MACD, RSI, etc.) described in trading books. The behavior of robots is predetermined by their creators.


  • Indicators work, but not all of them, not all the time and not predictably.

  • We can use indicators by increasing mathematical expectation due to the predictability of robots' actions in certain market situations (backtesting).

Our system allows us to quickly find strategies that give an advantage in the market due to improved mathematical expectation (WinRate and ProfitFactor), and quickly adapt them to market changes.

Last updated